Chia The “Superfood”?

Chia is making a run at being the newest “big” thing in the health and wellness market.  Although chia is a great whole food with many benefits, people seem to forget that there just isn’t a magic bullet when it comes to health.

That being said, chia is a great source of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients.  Just remember, no one food or supplement or pill will cure you from any disease, make you skinny or give you optimal health.  It takes much more to achieve those goals.  However, chia just might be a natural, whole food that could help you reach those goals.

This blog will cover all of the benefits of chia and report all of the scientific results from studies that show how exceptional chia can be for your health.  We will cover recipes as well as sources for chia. 

If you haven’t heard much about chia, you certainly will in the next year.  Don’t get caught up in the hype from marketing and multi-level companies.  Chia won’t cure diabetes or make you lose 50 pounds.  Although using chia might actually help you lose wait, and can help control diabetes.  The point I am trying to make is that as great as chia is for us, it isn’t the be-all end-all.  

I personally use chia and like it very much.  It has so many health benefits I find it silly not to utilize it.  It is inexpensive, easy to use, and the best thing about it is that it is a whole food.

Stay tuned for the truth about chia and how it can benefit you, how to use chia and where to get it.  We will explore everything about chia, from it’s history to it’s current use and the way some companies are taking advantage of the uninformed.

~ by chiatruth on November 4, 2008.

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