Can Chia Help You Lose Weight?

Chia is being promoted by many as a weight-loss enhancer.  Although it has many benefits in relation to weight loss, like I’ve said before, there is no one magic bullet.  Chia alone won’t make you lose weight, but in combination with healthy eating and exercise it can increase weight loss in addition to it’s many other benefits.


So how can chia help with weight loss?  Chia has incredibly high absorption qualities.  Studies vary, but these seeds have the ability to absorb between 9-15 times their weight in water.  This gives a satiated feeling when eaten.  In other words, when you eat (or drink) chia, it makes you feel full and can help control appetite.  If you are looking to lose weight, this “full” feeling can help reduce food intake.


Although chia can be beneficial to weight loss, I don’t believe this is chia’s biggest strength.  The high omega-3 content, the abundant fiber, both soluble and insoluble, and the wide variety of other nutrients makes chia a superfood that you should incorporate into your diet. 

The bottom line, chia can help with weight loss and weight control, but by itself it probably isn’t going to help you.  If you are looking for a weight-loss aid that also provides essential nutrients, get some chia today and try it for yourself.

Everything you Need to Learn Raw and Live Raw

~ by chiatruth on November 8, 2008.

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