Where Do I Get The Best Chia?

I have been getting a few email questions about buying chia, where to buy it, and if some of these companies are selling quality chia. One of the biggest questions I get is why some companies, including multi-level marketing companies, are selling chia at a much higher price.

In the next few posts I will talk about the different chia suppliers, what makes their product different (or not) and the true costs of buying chia. Understand that chia is creating a revolution in the health food industry. It is just getting started and it will get much, much bigger. I expect that in the next year it will be making headlines on the news and much of the world will know about this amazing product. This will probably also result in a price hike, an unfortunate side-effect of popularity.

But, that also means there will be many companies and individuals looking to make a buck from this revolution. It is definitely buyer beware out there. In an attempt to help you, my readers, I will cover as many of the suppliers out there, present their pros and cons, and help you fight through the minutia that is being thrown about by marketing companies. I will give you my opinion of what they offer and if it is a good idea. You can then make a more informed decision about how and where you will buy and use chia.

Hopefully this will help you avoid bad suppliers and overpaying for chia. I fear that many people will be turned off from the marketing companies that are pushing their supposedly “superior” chia product, and the result will be that people will not use chia. That would be a shame. My goal is to help you see the benefits of chia and get you to incorporate this healthy, nutrient-dense food into your life.

Stay tuned for my reviews of the many current suppliers, but understand that new ones are popping up all the time. If you have a question about a specific supplier, let me know and I will do my best to get you the information available.

~ by chiatruth on November 11, 2008.

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